Thursday, August 6, 2009

Seeking this Week

I have been reflecting a lot this week on the continual dimension of seeking that I taught on last weekend.  Every day presents an entire new opportunity to seek the Lord.  His mercies are truly new every morning!
Here are some additional thoughts:
1.  The "tug" of our sinful nature gradually decreases and the "pull" of the Spirit of the Lord increases as we seek Him continually.  "Chip away" at it daily.
2.  There is no such thing as a small victory.  Every moment of being more than a conqueror in Christ is big and should be celebrated.  Do not let anyone convince you differently.
3.  Our seeking is intended to be adventurous with surprises around every corner.  Life in Christ is never boring.  It can be dangerous at times.  It is often challenging and not for the light of heart.  But seeking does not equal boredom.  Seek the Lord with zeal today in whatever context you find yourself.  Pray for someone.  Share your faith verbally.  Help someone.  I guarantee "boredom" will not be a part of your reality.
4.  Decide today to Seek.  Quit waiting for some magical moment to catapult you into passionate living for Jesus.  Make it an act of your Will.  
Seek the Lord.  Seek the Good.  Don't seek idols, faith gone astray, or material things.  These will pass away.  Recognize the continual, mysterious, and holistic dimensions of seeking.
Would love to hear from you.  How are you seeking this week?

1 comment:

  1. to seek anything requires immediate action, it is a movement and a choice that we make. The interesting thing is that it is a conscious dcission, you seek a job or a sandwhich, you decide to do something and go after it. For most of us faith is the exact opposite, we decide and wait for God to do something. If we are seeking after God it means that we are chasing God as God is chasing us. It is a beautiful collision. May we be people who seek the heart of God.
