Saturday, December 26, 2009

Proverbs 22:1

My son, Miles, heard this verse from Scripture for the first time as he and I sat at our kitchen table.  The occasion might surprise you.

We had just received in the mail his "membership box" from the Washington Redskins Kids Club. He was so excited as we pulled out cards, a shirt, stickers, a coloring book, and a poster.  I was more interested in the letter from Coach Jim Zorn.

It is no secret that this season has been a disappointment for Coach Zorn.  He has endured countless scrutiny and verbal assault that typically accompanies a losing NFL season.  In addition, he had his "play-calling duties" stripped from him.  What a challenging sequence of events for such a successful person!

And in this context, Coach Zorn, included "Proverbs 22:1" next to his signature on the letter.  It reads, "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold."

Coach Zorn may be having a bad season for NFL standards, but he is facing his adversity with integrity.  True maturity is tested in the crucible of hardship.  My friend, Doug Middleton, used to tell me, "In the face of adversity, we automatically revert to that which we have been taught." Someone taught Coach Zorn what it means to stand steadfast when the storm comes because "in life, the storms do come (Jesus - end of Sermon on the Mount)!"

I am grateful that I had a teaching moment with my son because a Coach, who does not know Miles Rhoden, wrote Proverbs 22:1.  Thanks, Coach Zorn.



  1. Thank you. You also shared your teaching moment with my son. The sermon was the topic of several Christmas Day conversations.
