Friday, January 29, 2010
The Church: Mission not Destination!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I have 5 sessions to go. Please be in prayer as I make final preparations for these sessions. I want to be both a timely as well as relevant teacher in their lives.
I am very impressed with the Tanzanian leadership. They have an aggressive vision over the next 10 years to plant churches among "lost" people groups in certain regions of the country. I can feel the excitement and passion in the air. It is contagious!
Hope all is well in Richmond. I will be home in 6 days. See you soon.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Off to Africa
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Commonwealth Prayer Breakfast
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
anazoipureo – means to rekindle, inflame, stir –up - 2 Timothy 1:6
-unique double meaning:
a. to rekindle or to refresh a fire that has almost gone out keep a full flame going – don’t neglect it
I went through a brief season in 2009 where the fire of God had dimmed in me. I was experiencing fatigue, some unusual stress, and became complacent in my daily devotional times with the Lord. It is amazing how quickly and easily it can happen.
As I freshly yielded myself to the Spirit of God, I began to be brought back into that "sweet spot" of continual fellowship with the Father. We worship the God who is constantly drawing us deeper into Himself. Some start far away while others never leave his side. Neither scenario modifies his disposition of love for us.
Perhaps you are in a difficult or spiritually dry season. Rekindle the gift of God that is in you. His grace and mercy are available. Create some space in your life today to respond to him. As we reach out, we discover His hands are already extended.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Paul's Greeting to Timothy
Keywords and meanings for Paul's greeting
-grace: charis – divine favor, loving-kindness, favorable regard
-mercy: eleos – compassion, pity
-peace: eirene – welfare
-the first two: grace and mercy are acts of God
-grace describes God’s attitude toward the lawbreaker and rebel
-mercy is God’s attitude toward those who are in distress
-the third one: peace is the resulting experience
Sunday, January 3, 2010
2 Timothy Background
2. Pride – elitists and clicks emerged actually claiming that only they were exclusively in possession Christian blessing; created false levels of spirituality
3. Unhealthy Asceticism (denying self) – new special food laws, random lists of impure items, and for those already married they even recommended renouncing marriage and leaving their families
4. Immorality – some would break into homes and lead away weak and naïve women into evil desires (2 Timothy 3:6); money gain through false teaching – getting rich on the backs of susceptible early followers of Christ
5. Endless, godless chatter and speech
6. Jewish legalism – especially around circumcision
7. And Denied the resurrection of the body – believed “body or flesh or physical matter” was evil and only spirit was good
Hope this informs your study of 2 Timothy.