Sunday, January 10, 2010


My computer crashed this week. The hard drive died. And foolishly, I had not backed up a number of important files. I learned my lesson.

Guarding and protecting that which is essential is true both in the physical as well as spiritual world. Our verse to commit to memory this week speaks to this issue. What are ways you and I can better guard the truth that Paul speaks of? Would love to hear from you.


Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:14:"14guard the truth that has been entrusted to you by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us."


  1. Rob, how totally frustrating - had a few viruses on my non-Mac computers, and they're awful. Sorry to hear about the gigantic question mark. *_* And thanks for pushing through today with your "Air Rhoden" experience. You are covered in prayer. Please let us know how you are, send out a mass email if you will.

  2. thanks so much. 5 stitches and a little sore but doing well. thanks for the prayers.
