We seem at times to have a type of "spiritual A.D.D." that inflicts us with an inability to stay focused on the main deal. As a result, new paths are chartered and explored that were never intended to be our paths. Resources are wasted. Life gets busier without fruitful results.
I am marinating day and night on how God is continuing to draw us into focus. To state it more personally, I am beginning to see that which has always been there with greater clarity - we are to be about mission not destination! We are dynamic not static, a movement not a building, a people passionate about God not "churchianity."
Isn't it frustrating to point to an object in the near distance only to have the person next to us unable to see it? We say, "Right there!" "Next to the tree." "The big tree with the small bush in front of it." But they continue to say, "I can't see it." When they finally do see, they are equally surprised with the trouble experienced in seeing it.
I am praising God the Father this morning for His continual persistence and grace in helping me to see. How many times I have been looking but not seeing! Yet He patiently keeps with me until at last I see.
Can you translate this in english?