Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have completed my first 3 teaching sessions. We have a total of about 80 Tanzanian Pastors attending the week long conference. They have received the teaching out of 2 Timothy with great appreciation. I am honored to be here speaking into their lives.

I have 5 sessions to go. Please be in prayer as I make final preparations for these sessions. I want to be both a timely as well as relevant teacher in their lives.

I am very impressed with the Tanzanian leadership. They have an aggressive vision over the next 10 years to plant churches among "lost" people groups in certain regions of the country. I can feel the excitement and passion in the air. It is contagious!

Hope all is well in Richmond. I will be home in 6 days. See you soon.



  1. I'm glad your trip is going well and look forward to some good stories. We're praying for you.
    Kati (Hillside)

  2. Hey Rob, sounds like some exciting things are happening in Tanzania. That's awesome that you're able to be a part of it, we're praying for you! Hope everything goes well with the conference.

  3. Rob, I know from experience the intensity of time spent in another culture while giving everything you've got to being fully "present" in those moments. We are praying for your continued energy, focus, safety and health and that you will know the Lord's presence with you! Enjoy the experience!

  4. thanks for all your encouraging comments!
