Thursday, February 11, 2010

Holy Scripture

Paul told Timothy that all Scripture is "God-breathed." We will study this together this weekend. I am going to be challenging us to start a "Scriptural Renaissance!"

A renaissance is a rebirth or renewal of thought, idea, and/or practice. It represents that which is not new but in need of reviving, awakening. It's amazing to me that such an antiquated document as Scripture has intense power and relevance for today.

In my lifetime I have allowed many authors, philosophers, "armchair critics," coaches, teachers, acquaintances, media personnel, pop culture icons, athletes, graffiti artists, theologians, and many other communicators to "breath" their message into my life. It's impossible to live in this world and not have this occur on a daily basis. While my goal is not to close my ears to the chatter of this world (for how else will I be in conversation communicating the power of the message of the Gospel) but rather to marinate in "God-breathed" words to dispel the emptiness of "world-breathed" words.

Join me this weekend in starting a "Scriptural Renaissance." Breath on us oh breath of God!



  1. I was encouraged by the message today to "not rely on bread alone, but every word that comes from the mouth of God." I have tried (and failed) a couple times to fast. My motives were never pure or correctly focused. I am encouraged to try this Daniel fast this week. I am focusing on Matthew 4 during my 3 days. It says that Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and was very hungry. I guess I never thought that the Son of God would be hungry because he's super spiritual. But then he combats Satan with Scripture when tested. Awesome stuff. Thanks Rob.
